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Tesamorelin, also known as Egrifta, is a synthetic peptide used to treat lipodystrophy, a condition characterized by abnormal fat distribution. It works by stimulating the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland. Tesamorelin specifically targets visceral adipose tissue, which is fat accumulation around the organs in the abdomen. It is administered as a daily subcutaneous injection and has been shown to reduce abdominal fat and improve waist circumference. It is important to use Tesamorelin under the guidance of a healthcare professional.


Benefits of Tesamorelin


1. Reduction of excess abdominal fat: Tesamorelin is known for its ability to specifically target and reduce visceral adipose tissue, which is the fat that accumulates around the organs in the abdomen.


2. Improved waist circumference: Tesamorelin treatment has been shown to result in improvements in waist circumference, contributing to a more favorable body fat distribution.


3. Potential enhancement of body composition: By reducing abdominal fat, Tesamorelin may help improve body composition and lead to a more balanced fat distribution.


Tesamorelin (5mg)

SKU: 0011
$75.99 Regular Price
$59.99Sale Price
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